How to Make a Girl Happy Over Text – Guide for Guys

Text a girl
Admit it guys, texting a girl is hard work, especially if you don’t know how to text a girl you like. Making her happy is even harder. Don’t you sometimes wish there is a guide that will tell you exactly how and what to message your girl to make her happy?

Well we have made it our mission to solve this problem once and for all, researching psychology papers late into night, so that you don’t have to. We even asked a few girls on their opinions.

We then took all this raw data, and made this handy “How to make a girl happy over text” guide, taking out all the guesswork for you and you can start implementing right away.

I can hear you guys screaming, get on with it, tell us the good stuff, so without any further ado, let’s get down to how to make make a girl happy over text.

   How to Text a Girl You Like?
The number one rule, above all else, don’t be clingy and needy. Nothing turns a girl off more than a clingy needy guy. Out of all the girls we talked to, this was their biggest complain.

Does the Following Image Look Familiar?

Whatever you do, don’t be this guy. If you want to know how make a girl happy over text, being clingy is the worst thing you can do. Although he has the right idea in sending her cute stuff, don’t constantly be sending her message after message after message. She will reply you as soon as she’s available. Maybe she’s just in the shower, maybe she’s in a meeting or maybe her battery just died.

Whatever the reason, no girl on earth would like a guy who is as needy and you will be soon one the train to dumpsterville…

So What do You do?
Easy, try to keep your texts to a 1:1 ratio. Give her time to respond, and send her 1 message for every 1 she sends you.

“But what about if it has been a few day since she last replied?” I hear you say. Well then it’s okay to send her something cute again like a funny pic or joke to get things flowing again.

In real life, it’s never just one person talking and one person listening. You make turns speaking and listening. This is how to make a conversative with a girl
 whether it’s over texts, or in real life.

Now that we have established the cardinal rule of texting a girl you like by giving her time to have an actual conversation, let’s get down to the actual tips you came for.

Tips on How to Make a Girl Happy Over Text!
Be playful with her. No one wants to text day in and day out about “wud” and “wuu2”. Tease her a little bit and show of your confidence. Don’t go overboard and make her feel bad though. You are trying to have fun remember, not win a war.
Tell her funny Stories. Did something funny recently happen to you? Did the cashier at the convenience store had a weird mole on her face that you couldn’t stop looking at what made you zone out so that you couldn’t hear her asking you to pay? It can be any story, as long as it is funny and not overly technical and boring. Want some help? Exaggerate…. “There was like a bazillion people at the restrooms today at the mall, I felt like I would burst” and take it from there.
Aaah, the old trusty picture. Sending a funny pic is sure fire way to make a girl you like happy. Everybody loves a good Meme, or a funny picture about a cat, and no matter how upset or down a person, a funny picture will do wonders in achieving you a happy a girl. A word of caution though. Never ever EVER send a girl a crotch shot. You will get bazillion dislikes from all girls in the world and even your mother will stop loving you. (See what I did there).
Pick up lines. Although pick up lines are corny and never work in real life, a well timed pick up line in a text can make a girl burst out laughing. Ask her about the funniest pick up line she ever heard, or tell her yours. Either way you will have a few good laughs that will leave both of you happy for hours.

Text Message Examples You Can Use to Make Your Girl Happy
Hey, I just saw the strangest thing…
(Wait for her to reply and tell her a funny story about a duck following an old person or whatever you saw)

Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.

Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I text you again.
I can’t believe you just did that….
You’re such a nerd.. (Remember, playful)
Any funny story
Any funny picture.
This seems like a short guide, but like the KISS principle says, Keep It Simple, Stupid.

No need to over technify things. Just don’t be needy and over text her, and tell her funny stories that happened in your day or send some funny pictures.

This is what most girls we talked to told us makes them the happiest when a guy texts them.

So now,you know  how to make a girl happy over texts, happy texting, and put a smile on her face.

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