Shocker!! Retired football star Njabulo Ncube arrested for r*ping 15-year old girl

Former Zimbabwean striker, Njabulo Ncube on Tuesday November 22nd, was apprehended for allegedly raping a 15-year-old girl severally at his house in Bulawayo. Njabulo, who was the 2013 Zimbabwe Premier League top scorer is said to have been sleeping with the girl since June this year, before she reported the sexual assault to the police, according to Zim News. One of the sources that came forward to testify against him said that the former football star has been sleeping with the girl using protection since June. ‘He has been sleeping with the child since June. He is said to have been using protection in all the encounters.’ Njabulo Ncube, a former Highlanders FC star, who also played for Railstars FC and Motor Action FC among others, is expected to appear in court when the investigations are over.


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